Catarina Edfjaell
Catarina Edfjaell
regulatory affairs

To enable companies to develop and execute innovative and successful regulatory strategies in the global arena of drug development across the entire lifecycle, are key deliverables of my work as a Consultant.

Consulting Services

Consulting Services

My key deliverables of as a Consultant:
Enable companies to develop and execute innovative and successful regulatory strategies in the global arena of drug development across the entire lifecycle.

I have been responsible for the successful registration of 20+ innovative medical products and new indications (Biotech, low-molecular and Plasma products) in more than 50 countries.

Clients benefit from my experience across the entire product lifecycle, including orphan drug development, from early development to approval & launch in various therapeutical areas, including oncology, hematology, immunology, and, CV, CNS and metabolic diseases.

Catarina Edfjaell

Catarina Edfjäll PhD, Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

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