Catarina Edfjaell
Catarina Edfjaell
Edfjaell Consulting

“I'm passionate about the development of people, companies and therapies for serious diseases”

About Catarina

Edfjaell Consulting

I believe that bringing together stakeholders from academia, industry and patient organizations is the cornerstone to improving the lives of people with rare or serious diseases. That is why I have long been involved in different Multi-Stakeholder organization for patients with rare diseases and a European organization focusing on collaboration among stakeholders in cancer drug development.

Networking and connecting people from different cultures, professions or interests is what I love as a European citizen born in Sweden, having lived in Germany and France and currently living in Switzerland.

Clients and former colleagues describe me as a strategic innovator and thought leader with strong communication and negotiation skills.  I’m an Entrepreneur at heart and like to bring this aspect and agile thinking into multinational corporations.

Personally, I really enjoy being in nature and to recharge my batteries I like to spend time with my horse, cats and dog. Continued learning has always been important to me, topics that I’m currently interested in are holistic health, epigenetics and sustainability.

Catarina Edfjäll – Founder 


Professional Experience


Catarina Edfjaell

Catarina Edfjäll PhD, Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

Social Media

Copyright @ 2025 Edfjäll Consulting – All rights reserved.
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