global regulatory affairs

Home Catarina Edfjäll

Catarina Edfjäll PhD

Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

I'm passionate about the development of people, companies and therapies for serious diseases

Catarina Edfjäll PhD

Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

I'm passionate about the development of people, companies and therapies for serious diseases


My Services

My key deliverables of as a Consultant: Enable companies to develop and execute innovative and successful regulatory strategies in the global arena of drug development across the entire lifecycle.
To actively anticipate and shape the future of organizations, to enable innovative and successful drug development and regulatory strategies, is my mission as a Board Member.
To support leaders in building, reorganizing and leading global and cross-functional teams, help them to grow on a professional level and build a rewarding career, is what I love to do as a Mentor and Coach.
Catarina Edfjaell

My Services

To actively anticipate and shape the future of organizations, to enable innovative and successful drug development and regulatory strategies, is my mission as a Board Member.
My key deliverables of as a Consultant: Enable companies to develop and execute innovative and successful regulatory strategies in the global arena of drug development across the entire lifecycle.
To support leaders in building, reorganizing and leading global and cross-functional teams, help them to grow on a professional level and build a rewarding career, is what I love to do as a Mentor and Coach.

My Services

My key deliverables of as a Consultant: Enable companies to develop and execute innovative and successful regulatory strategies in the global arena of drug development across the entire lifecycle.
To actively anticipate and shape the future of organizations, to enable innovative and successful drug development and regulatory strategies, is my mission as a Board Member.
To support leaders in building, reorganizing and leading global and cross-functional teams, help them to grow on a professional level and build a rewarding career, is what I love to do as a Mentor and Coach.

I provide strategic expertise and advice in the global arena of drug development with focus on Regulatory Affairs.

As a Board Member and global pharma industry leader for more than 25 years, I connect stakeholders from health authorities, industry, patient organizations and academia to enable innovative and successful strategies and submissions.

I support leaders in building, reorganizing and leading global and cross-functional teams, and help them to grow on a professional level and build a rewarding career.

Customers reviews

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Adam Sendler
Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Mike Stuart

Catarina Edfjäll PhD, Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

Contact Info

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