Catarina Edfjaell
People putting their hands in a circle together for unity and teamwork concept

To actively anticipate and shape the future of organizations, to enable innovative and successful regulatory strategies and submissions, is my mission as a Board Member.

Catarina Edfjaell

To actively anticipate and shape the future of organizations, to enable innovative and successful regulatory strategies and submissions, is my mission as a Board Member.

Board Membership

Board Membership
Board Membership

I have profound experience as a member of Steering and Governance Boards as well as pharmaceutical industry trade associations:  I have longstanding experience as a Board Member of a global Multi-Stakeholder organization for patients with rare diseases and am currently Director of the Board at CDDF (Cancer Drug Development Forum), a European organization that facilitates collaboration between stakeholders in cancer drug development. I´m also Director of the Board at ObsEva, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, innovating women’s reproductive health therapeutics, based in Switzerland.

In my role as a board member I contribute with innovative ideas and sustainable strategies to grow and improve the organisations.

My Board experience includes pharma companies (e.g. ObsEva and non-profit organizations (e.g. CDDF).

Catarina Edfjaell

Catarina Edfjäll PhD, Board Director, Mentor & Coach
Global Regulatory Affairs Expert

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